To the dreamers, the seekers, the ones that have a calling in their hearts.

This is a place for you

  • The lessons I’ve learned in what it takes to follow your heart, and the people that have crossed my path

  • Tips, hacks, staying grounded, healthy and positive during solo travel

  • Learn what to do and where to go…places included:

    Amsterdam, Positano, Sorrento, Lake Como, Bergamo, Rome, Florence, Venice, Montpellier, Trieste, Athens, Milos, Santorini, Lisbon, Porto, Algarve, Ericeira, Madrid, Granada

On May 24th, 2021 I left home on a one-way flight from Toronto to Amsterdam. I didn’t have a plan, I didn’t know where it would lead…I just knew I had to go, and had a calling in my heart to one day live in Italy. This is the journey I’ve taken since that day and all I continue to learn along the way.

Molly Ziraldo Molly Ziraldo


“we cannot force flowers to continuously bloom” and so, we too, cannot remain doing and creating all the time. We need time to be dormant, to be still, and to go within. It is from this space that we can blossom into something new. 

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Molly Ziraldo Molly Ziraldo


I hope you go out on your own path and find your own way…to let your intuition guide you. It won’t make sense, not to you or those around you but it will fill you with an aliveness you have never known. It will beat you down and build you up, and you will become someone different in the process. You will experience magic and heartache, fear and doubt, joy and wonder… and you will create your own, big, bold, beautiful adventure.

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Molly Ziraldo Molly Ziraldo


If you feel like you’re in a situation where you are stuck, drifting backwards, or not seeing any forward motion…relax, it's okay. You’re still on the right path. Trust your timing, dig down deep and hold on to your vision. Be patient, for the opportunity will eventually arrive. And when that time comes you’ll know deep down, it wasn’t just luck, but that you made it happen.

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Molly Ziraldo Molly Ziraldo

The Heart Yes

What if all yeses in life are supposed to feel this way? What if we aren't searching for the HUGE YES but simply the lack of resistance within us. The disappearing of the battle within, the absence of the, should I or shouldn’t I? This is what I want more of in my life…this type of knowing; this internal harmony, a natural TRUST in both myself but in so much more.

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Molly Ziraldo Molly Ziraldo


Being single is not a time of waiting around, it is a time of doing you, being you, living life on your own terms, meeting yourself at new depths, loving every single broken, mended, beautiful, in-perfect part of yourself. It’s a time when you realize who you are and what you value in this life so that you know exactly what you have to offer (and you know exactly what you deserve).

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Travel Lessons, Travel Tips Molly Ziraldo Travel Lessons, Travel Tips Molly Ziraldo


It’s not about pursuing something thinking “what would I do if I knew I knew I couldn’t fail?”…it’s about asking yourself “what is worth doing EVEN if I fail?” When you look back on your life, what do you want to be able to say …” well, at least I gave it a shot” to?

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Travel Lessons, Travel Story Molly Ziraldo Travel Lessons, Travel Story Molly Ziraldo


Real change doesn’t always happen overnight, it happens each and every time we choose differently. Each and every time we ask “Does this action I’m about to make get me closer to the person I want to become”. Every action we take is either moving us towards or away from that version of ourselves. When you add up enough decisions that bring you closer, you wake up and your world suddenly looks different.

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