In reflecting back on when this all began, I chose not to start in Amsterdam, but at home, because a lesson I’ve carried with me since then was….“leave with love”.
Before I left, I was working with an amazing coach. We worked on setting priorities each day but more importantly, the focus became: how can you leave with love?
I wrote down “Leave with Love” on a post-it in my office and looked at it every day. What did this mean to me? It meant when I got on that plane there would be nothing but love in my heart. Nothing left unsaid, no conversations too scary to have, and no time wasted with people that didn’t mean a lot to me. However (and more importantly) it was a frequency to embody. Every time I remembered the saying “leave with love”, I’d feel myself soften, instantly becoming more present. I’d feel more gratitude for whatever or whoever was in front of me. A smile, often, naturally fell upon my face. The cue to drop into love softened the edges of my being allowing more love in, and the presence of love out.
When I sat on that plane I had nothing but love in me…there was a certain level of appreciation and gratitude oozing from my heart.
It’s this lesson I use every time I leave a city - I try to leave it with love. To be present, and grateful for the lessons it brought.
What does “leave with love” bring up in you?
Maybe it’s something big like leaving the job or the relationship. Maybe it’s as simple as asking yourself how you can leave just one conversation or the house each day with a little more love in your heart.
Be in that frequency, and notice what happens in your body.
You aren’t just leaving with love, you are leaving love everywhere you go.
(and that is something the world needs more of right now).
The original post-it