I believe that behind everything we set out to do, it’s important to know your why because when you inevitably hit the stumbling blocks, the tough times, the moments you want to give up, this is what keeps going.
I remember (again, my amazing coach; Karli) advising me to write my why on a page in my journal so I could refer back to it when needed. I never did. But one morning while journaling I naturally arrived at this question. The crux of it all….”Molly, why are you here?”
Although pages and pages flowed out of me after asking this - this is what I began with. To be honest, I was mad at myself for not having a better answer. I thought it sounded so trivial, vague, and even silly. But it’s what was (and still is) true. Below is an excerpt from my journal that day and I guess, in a way, it’s the thesis of this journey. It went something like this:
“I’m here because I have a vision of what my life can look like and I needed to come here to see… to just see if what they say about how this whole world works; that if you truly follow your heart that life (God, the Universe whatever you want to call it) will help deliver to you, a life beyond your wildest dreams. And well, that is a theory worth testing because you can’t help but believe it’s true; that life really is meant to be one big, bold, daring, magical adventure.”
I’ve never wanted to say this publicly. I’ve never wanted anyone to know that’s why I’m here. First off, a part of me thinks I’ll jinx it all by saying it but secondly what if nothing comes of this? What if I “fail”? I’ll feel pretty stupid…this whole ‘chasing a dream thing’ is a pretty vague concept to hang your hat on so to speak. The stakes are high.
However, as many often say, the question to ask yourself isn’t “what would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?”, but “what’s worth doing EVEN if I fail?”
When you look back on your life, what do you want to be able to say … “well, at least I gave it a shot” to?
If you have something you want to achieve in life ask yourself, WHY? What is fueling this desire within you? Your answer may be more concrete than mine, or maybe, you too simply want to see what’s possible with this one life you have. In the words of one of my favourite poets, Mary Oliver:
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?