The Heart Yes
Often times you hear people talk about finding the love of their life, or their dream home and they say “I just knew (fill in the blank) was the one”. When we really know something, we know it deep in our bones. To me, this is the heart yes.
The heart yes for me can often be as subtle as a whisper and what I have found is that it’s actually a form of stillness within me. My move here was a heart yes, there was a feeling of inner silence, which means there were no voices chattering back and forth on whether or not to go. My body just knew. It was a calm, gentle, sureness in my bones. The stillness I speak about is the absence of resistance.
What if all yeses in life are supposed to feel this way? What if we aren't always searching for the big HELL YES but simply noticing the lack of resistance within us. The disappearing of the battle within, the absence of the, should I or shouldn’t I? This is what I want more of in my life…this type of knowing, this internal harmony, this natural trust in both myself and in so much more.
It doesn’t mean it doesn’t take courage to follow the ‘heart yes’ but the choice comes from a foundation of trust. The vibration is love (lack of fear). It still might be scary but we know it’s the right way forward. I want all my decisions to feel this way - to feel the resistance wash away. But this is a practice, this is a process of learning what truth feels like in our body and trusting it...the feeling when something ‘just lands’ like a new piece of the puzzle just dropped in.
I still struggle knowing what the yeses are in my life, what is the next right action? what is the next step? I often don’t trust myself and my indecisiveness is the byproduct of years of broken promises to myself. But I am learning as I go. I am learning with every heart yes I am lucky enough to feel. I hold on to that feeling and I try to remember what it feels like.
I think we always know what truth feels like, what the right way forward is, it’s just sometimes (oftentimes) our minds get in the way. If we can silence the mind, and drop back down into the heart…it will always tell us what is true.
Maybe this journey is simply a search for all that is a “heart yes”.