8 NEW items to put in your self-care TOOl KIT
The topic of a self-care “tool kit” came up a few times this week, whether it was podcasts or speaking with clients I kept encountering the subject so I took some time to reflect on my own and I thought I’d share some that I’m using right now and that are perhaps new or untraditional. They might not be things you think of when you think “Self-Care” but the whole point of self-care to make it unique to you.
When I think of the word tool kit, for me, these are simply practices that allow us to re-center when needed; to reset, re-boot, re-connect and regulate our nervous system.
We all know the typical things like taking beth, time in nature or meditation, but after hearing Akashic Record reader Hilary Pearson speak about how simply “organization” was one thing in her tool kit it made me think outside the box. So below are 8 (hopefully) new tools for your Tool-Kit.
The Akashic Records: Now bear with me, because this goes into the land of woo-woo but I’ve been playing around with the Akashic Records for about 4 yrs. now. I was super intrigued when I first found out about them and that ANYONE could access them but only in the last few months have I been opening them regularly. If you’re sitting there like “Molly, I have no idea WTF you’re talking about - well, this article might help. I also bought this book when learning how to open them in case you want to do the same.
Tik Tok - I know what you’re thinking, shouldn’t self-care involve LESS time on our phones and especially away from Social Media. I get it, I agree, but there is something about Tik Tok that just FEELS different. I use it for a daily laugh or hit of inspiration. If you’re not on Tik Tok you are missing out on some of the funniest, thought-provoking stuff out there. I never open the app without laughing (Bentellect is my fave), it feels so much different to IG. Its creative, spontaneous, original, light-hearted…a much-needed change of scenery from the old, stiff, intimidating IG feed.
3. Cold Plunges
Some might consider this the opposite of self-care and more like torture but I’m finding the effects of this to be fascinating. I joined a group that goes into Lake Ontario every Sunday at 9am. My first time joining - looked like this…
One of the biggest things I’m noticing in myself is my confidence in myself has increased. Showing up myself, getting in the water when I don’t want to, staying when I want to get out, its showing my subconscious - I’m stronger than I think I am.
4. Yoga Nidra
I’ve been doing mid-afternoon 20min Yoga Nidra sessions on Insight timer with Jennifer Piercy - to be honest, most times it turns into a power nap but it’s becoming a perfect reset rather than another cup of coffee.
5. Modern Affirmation Music
Affirmations and mantras have always kinda made me cringe and until this year I honestly never really listened, used them and took them seriously. But this year, I can safely say they are in my self-care routine. I’ve been listening to Londrelle for a while now and recently discovered Toni Jones and this jam makes me smile/laugh but I love it “Yas Coins!”.
6. Cacao Ceremony
I wish I could have a lifetime supply of this stuff… if I did I think this would be a daily ritual for me, but my recent cacao ceremonies have really allowed me to slow down and just remember to be intentional with what I’m putting into my body and how I want it to make me feel. This feels like a luxury self-care practice every time I create this ritual for myself. More info on creating a cacao ceremony for yourself here
7. Broth Making
Sunday has become broth making day. I mix it up between Chicken and Beef but I love knowing I have something nutritious on hand throughout the week to sip on throughout the day, or to add to soups (and I know my gut likes it). I don’t really follow a recipe, just make sure you add a little Apple Cider Vinegar to the pot to extract as much collagen as possible. Check out this recipe page for a lot more info on the benefits
8. Buh-Bye Alcohol
I remember my therapist once said to me “self-care is more about what we DON’T DO rather than what we do, do”. I decided to give up alcohol for the month to get more clear and I knew I was getting a bit too used to a nightly glass of wine. I have nothing against drinking (although I have A LOT to say about the topic - I’ll save that for another time)…but I know myself well enough to know when I’m using it to add to life and I know when its being used as a crutch or as Brook Castillo would say - a buffer.
pic —>( SEEDLIP is a non-alcoholic spirits company - didn’t exactly taste like gin but it was still very good and felt nice to feel like I was making myself a little cocktail while visiting with a friend)
So there are just a few - but the big question is….what is in YOUR self-care tool kit? Know that this is something we can continuously add and remove from, but it is important to have a few, that you know you can count on whenever you need it, to help you come back home to your body.